Light Within

No matter how dark, the thoughts are in You
Remember the light will always shine through
For You are not your thoughts.

You are not your body, your wealth or career
Your are not your dreams and not your fear
You are more than that.

Imagine You remove all those things,
All those identies and labels and emotions,
What are You?

You are not your religion or caste or skin,
You are not your family, they too will go-
What is that, which remains?

Some call it essence, some call it soul,
Some call it God and others a light…
You’ve spoken with it.

It speaks through You, sees through You,
Some would argue it is the real You…
Don’t tell me You haven’t spoken!

As one start to go deep within,
Past the memories, thoughts and dreams
It’s there in the still, still there.

Identify with the real You
The sooner the better, You’ll be glad you met her,
For the light always shines through.

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