If you had found what I had found…
Then you’d be smiling too
That’s not the reason that I smile
But only if… you knew
The joy, the bliss, the magic that
Just knowing this has bought
How in a single moment
It was crystal, all I was taught.
And now that I know who I am
I know who you are too…
I’m flying, now not scared of dying
I just enjoy the view-
I found what I was seeking
It had been here all along-
What greater joy can there be…
To know that you belong?
I was never of this world…
And I know that might sound deep,
My Saviour has shown me the light
So I smile in my sleep
I had been sleeping all this time
This Truth shook me awake…
Showed me who I really was
There’s only so much I can take.
Thankyou Lord for gracing me
I’m not worthy, yet You keep-
I soar, for I know who I am
I smile in my sleep


I glanced upon a sight
Of a woman with hands clenched tight
Hurt and wounded, thinking, fuming…
Or atleast that’s what I was assuming
Do I go and ask?
Do I go and console…
Would she explode-
And eat me whole?

I couldn’t quite guage the mood,
I could not understand that look.

Perhaps it was not pain and anguish
Perhaps it was a thoughful wish…
As if she were holding herself back
As if she was about to attack
Or perhaps she was enjoying the sun
Perhaps she had spotted the one

I gave up trying to work it out…
I could not understand that look.

If I Never Said Sorry

I’m not one of those who always thinks I am right.
I am open to acknowledging when I am wrong or if there is a better way….
I’m even prepared to change if It would help reduce the conflict.
I value the relationship more than my pride
But sometimes, I wonder…
If I never stood up to my ego,
If I never buried my pride,
What would happen?
What would happen if I never said sorry?
Would they?
Or would we have an intolerable silence…
Where even the awkward silence would feel it too awkward to be inbetween?
Maybe I should try the experiment…
See how long it takes-
For someone other than me to fix it?
But alas… I just can’t.
I say sorry even when I’m not wrong,
It’s just a 5 letter word-
But some find it so hard to say.
It would be nice to have someone pacify me for a change!
I want to see what it’s like to be consoled,
Unfortunately, I can’t be angry like that.
I know sometimes even sorry isn’t enough.
Sometimes it won’t bridge the gap.
I look back at time gone, people gone and wonder…
Would a sorry have helped?
I guess I will never risk it…
I will always choose you over being right.
On occasion though,
When I cannot understand what I did wrong…
I wonder, I question…. what if?
What if… I never said sorry.

What are you afraid of!?

We all fear something,
But we were only born with two…
So the question that I have is,
What is it, that worries you?
For I’m afraid that being afraid
Is just another illusion-
A placebo effect, to help deflect,
To add to the confusion.
Let’s look at those who aren’t afraid,
See what heights they reach…
And fearful people are always fearful
Fear sucks them like a leech.
The biggest fear, above all fears
Is the fear of losing your breath,
Surely there can be none greater
Than the ultimate fear of death.
What will happen thereafter?
Some believe in a heaven or hell,
Some do not care what happens,
Nobody’s come back to tell!
Some are afraid of death and
Some are afraid of living…
Fear knows only how to take,
Fear has never been known for giving.
Forgive me for this post my friends,
But no one who came has stayed,
Everyone should ask the question…
What makes you afraid?
What are you afraid of?
I’ll leave you with that thought…
If you’re brave enough then tell us,
Go on… be a sport!

The Price of Being Nice

If I followed the ways of the world,
God knows where I could be….
Alas the problem is way too much
I set out to fix, to help, I care, I genuinely do and herein lies the problem.
In my attempt to make right, things often go wrong… for me.
I think with my heart, I lose at the start and the world chews me up and spits me out,
I’m left to wonder what it was all about?
And how is it that some simply get away
Not a mark or a scratch to show…
They never cared, they played the game,
They seem to have got ahead,
I got caught instead.
They schemed and plotted, I never thought twice…
I guess that’s the price of being nice!
Who knows if it will pay or not
Perhaps I’ll still be here…
Do nice people always end up last?
Should I try to be something else?
Someone else?
If I did what would I lose…
Who would I become?
What would it have cost me…
What do we gain or lose-
What is the price of being nice?

My heart is a thief…

My heart is a thief
And I am at a loss
For I have never known
It has always shown, itself
To be loving,
To be kind
To be pure.
But today…
When it was called a thief,
It said it would turn over a new leaf
And I had to question
I asked,
Hey you,
You that have been hiding inside me,
What have you stolen?
What have you done?
Why are you being called a thief…
My heart smiled,
It replied,
“What else can a heart steal…
But another heart?
I loved and they loved
And now that there is pain
I accept their anger too.”
Wow, I thought…
I would have tried to justify,
I am a lover
I have only loved
Don’t call me that
But my heart smiled on in love
My heart is a thief.


Its not me, it’s them Miss…
I was just sat here on my own,
Its them who started the fight Miss,
It’s them who threw the first stone.
Well I couldn’t just sit down and take it-
At first I thought they would stop Miss…
But as the onslaught got greater,
I figured, I’m not gonna allow for this!
I warned them, I swear, It’s true Miss,
I said enough with your games…
But they laughed even more loudly,
They started hurling me names.
And I grabbed a stone nearby Miss,
With tears rolling down my cheeks,
I threw just one back at them Miss…
For the abuse, I’d received all these weeks!
And I didn’t know it would happen,
I did not aim for his eye,
I did not want for any of this…
I did not know he would die.
And the headlines the next morning:
‘A stone was thrown by a gem.’
It just took for a moment of anger,
To turn me into them.

Bullying of any kind is wrong, it can have long lasting effects on one’s mental and psychological behaviour.
The problem is many may not even know how their actions effect and what the end consequence could be.
If anyone is experiencing this, know it’s not your fault, the world can be unkind.
Don’t turn into them, you’re better than that

Are you ok?

This is the issue I have with suicide.
Who knew what went on inside?
A life that was so burdened, confused-
So void of hope, unfairly accused.
A soul that wanted no confrontation,
Up against a difficult situation…
Decided the best thing was to escape,
Why struggle and suffer, just lose the shape
On the outside they looked like me and you
Who knew?

They did not share, they did not express…
Each day they lived a little less
Until one day they thought, it doesn’t matter-
For the world I’m just another mad hatter!
Who knows what demons raged inside…
Addictions, contradictions, a lack of pride…
They felt they had to battle alone,
Left a family behind, if only they’d known.
Maybe they felt they had no one to turn to
Who knew?

If anyone reading is thinking such thoughts,
Don’t leave loved ones with biopsy reports…
Talk, express, it’s okay to be broken,
There are always options, be outspoken
Tell of your fears, anxieties and troubles,
Shared problems are halved, kept it doubles
You have so much to offer, so much to give,
You are needed and loved, we want you to live
Here those around you, help you get through…
We want to know, not wish that we knew!

A Decision

One day Choice sat with Decision…
It was a decision that Choice had made,
Decision knew things would get heated,
So silently he prayed.
Why is it you can never decide?
I give you so many choices?
Decision, decided to answer Choice back,
I’m confused with all of the voices!
Look I’m not saying choices are bad,
I’d rather have choices then none…
Then what is it you’re saying man?
To be kept in the dark is not fun!
And remember indecision is a decision
To do nothing is also choosing…
You have to decide if you want to win,
For to do nothing is equal to losing!
Decision was either too fast or too slow…
He was always contemplating,
Choice was always after a decision-
Never one for pausing, debating.
Just like oil and water don’t mix…
These two were like chalk and cheese,
In life a Decision or Choice could be hard…
Can you decide on a choice with ease?
One wrong decision, one wrong choice…
And does that take you off track?
Is life a series of choices we make…
We learn when we look back?
Decision and Choice will always argue,
I guess it’s for us to decide…
Indecision is also a decision,
What choice do you make inside?

Are decisions and choices easy to make for you? Do you feel scared to commit for fear of missing out on another option or making the wrong choice… or is it all pre planned and just a series of stepping stones. No right no wrong, just a path?

What has your experience been?

The Big Question

Every day of the week ends with a Y,
Yet I don’t know why…
Look at these trees,
That hide the sky-
Could it be that behind,
Every thought in our mind-
Is the sky of our soul,
Is our purpose, our goal?
What blocks us? what knocks us?
From seeing this view…
Imagine if only,
We could somehow, see through!
Perhaps that’s the problem?
Too close to the trees,
We fail to appreciate,
Stand back and one sees:
The tree has it’s beauty,
But what does it hide?
See the bigger picture-
Step back and decide.
The sky in its hues of crimson and yellow,
What is it saying?
I’m musing, then, Hello!
It dawns on me that the sky speaks too,
It too has moods that swing,
It has to have a release of some kind,
For it witnesses everything.
If I too look at the sky of my soul,
I wonder what is has viewed?
Goodness knows what it has seen-
And how many of my sins, are accrued?
Maybe my sky is more colourful…
It has more shades and hues,
I need to remove my thoughts infront-
So I too can take in the views.

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