If I Never Said Sorry

I’m not one of those who always thinks I am right.I am open to acknowledging when I am wrong or if there is a better way….I’m even prepared to change if It would help reduce the conflict.I value the relationship more than my prideBut sometimes, I wonder…If I never stood up to my ego,If IContinue reading “If I Never Said Sorry”

A Decision

One day Choice sat with Decision…It was a decision that Choice had made,Decision knew things would get heated,So silently he prayed.Why is it you can never decide?I give you so many choices?Decision, decided to answer Choice back,I’m confused with all of the voices!Look I’m not saying choices are bad,I’d rather have choices then none…Then whatContinue reading “A Decision”

Light Within

No matter how dark, the thoughts are in YouRemember the light will always shine throughFor You are not your thoughts. You are not your body, your wealth or careerYour are not your dreams and not your fearYou are more than that. Imagine You remove all those things,All those identies and labels and emotions,What are You? YouContinue reading “Light Within”

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