Light Within

No matter how dark, the thoughts are in YouRemember the light will always shine throughFor You are not your thoughts. You are not your body, your wealth or careerYour are not your dreams and not your fearYou are more than that. Imagine You remove all those things,All those identies and labels and emotions,What are You? YouContinue reading “Light Within”


I asked her why she does it?Why carry such a burden…It will cause your boat to sink!She said, it’s mine to carry,I know that I can carry it.And I know what people think… But I don’t see it as a burden,I could never leave it-It is a part of me.I said, I don’t agree love,SomeContinue reading “Burden”

As the petals unfolded…The fragrance swayed and played,No one knows, quite how the rose,Is able to persuade…So much natural beauty,It is often used to adorn…But what I want to focus on,Is the fate of the thorn- Ugly, pointed, painful, sharp,Yet it sits with the king,The rose just gives beauty-The thorn can only sting!I sometimes stop toContinue reading


That moment…That moment just now,It’s gone.Extinguished!All that remains is the smoke,That after smell, like a joke…Reminding us where it once was.Why do we hold on?Why do we sit pondering… Wondering what we: Could of,Should of,Would of… It’s done, it’s over,There is no light there anymore.To hold on is to lose completely,,To be filled with thatContinue reading “Breathe”


So many times on my journeyI forgot the light…I tried to go, tried to grow,To the left, to the right.But the friends I am blessed withAnd my family that’s so strong,Were always around meHelping me along. And look just how far we’ve come,Look at you! Look at me!In nature we’re rootedWhat have we contributed?Can weContinue reading “Friendship”

Set your Mind Free…

Do you run after happinessOr does happiness run after you?Are you stuck in the same old thoughts-Or are you always creating anew?If you are worried today my friend,And don’t worry about how I know…The solution is really not that hard,Trust in God and let go!You see whatever is going to happen,Is beyond both you andContinue reading “Set your Mind Free…”


For the flower of youth is never so dear As when it turns to the Sun and righteousness nearsFor Love is enough to remove all divisions God is too great for just one religion And this love it pervades in the space between us You thought this was empty but it’s flowing with Mastt SoContinue reading “Beloved”

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